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03 December 2012

My setup of internal network with virtual boxes

My goal today, was to setup 4 virtual boxes that can communicate over an internal virtual network, cloning a previously configurated vbox.

I mostly used the GUI.
The network config is as such:

 Note: the bridged interface (so that those vboxes have internet access) has its "Promiscuous Mode" set to "Allow VMs"

Time to clone

Note: Check the Mac reinitialize

Now boot the clone, you'll notice it waits for network configuration.

log in and set /etc/network/interfaces

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

ifconfig -a will show eth3 eth4 .. not want we want

each time you give a new MAC address (in VBox guest settings) Debian and Ubuntu guests udev assigns a new eth number
edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules or delete the file: it will be recreated @ next boot

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
and reboot.

check interfaces

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:9a:a2:5a  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:fe9a:a25a/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:241 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:156 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:30767 (30.7 KB)  TX bytes:22818 (22.8 KB)

eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:d3:7d:59  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:fed3:7d59/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:468 (468.0 B)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:16 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:16 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
          RX bytes:1184 (1.1 KB)  TX bytes:1184 (1.1 KB)
check physical network dhcp handled the bridged interface

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=1 ttl=51 time=39.1 ms
boot another "clone", proceed as aforementioned and check

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.049 ms

07 November 2012

Install Postgis with ansible

My goal was to automate the installation of postgres and its postgis extension on a virtual machine, following more or less this procedure.
I was talked into trying ansible and decided to head this way.

At first I installed a vanilla Ubuntu12.04LTS on a virtual box. I've just added my ssh public key.

Then I followed the general instruction to have ansible running.

I came up with two playbooks, one to install the RDMS and its dependencies, the other to add a postgis enabled database added.

my hosts file is like :

vm1204 ansible_ssh_host= userhome=/home/remoteuser

Install Postgres + PostGIS

- hosts: vms
  sudo: True
  gather_facts: False

  - name: ensure apt cache is up to date
    action: apt update_cache=yes
  - name: ensure packages are installed
    action: apt pkg=$item
        - build-essential
        - postgresql-9.1
        - postgresql-server-dev-9.1
        - libxml2-dev
        - proj
        - libjson0-dev
        - xsltproc
        - docbook-xsl
        - docbook-mathml
        - libgdal1-dev

- hosts: vms

  - name: create download dir
    action: file dest=${userhome}/download state=directory
  - name: download GEOS
    action: get_url url= 
                    dest=${userhome}/download/geos-3.3.5.tar.bz2 mode=0440
  - name: untar GEOS
    action: command tar xjf geos-3.3.5.tar.bz2 chdir=${userhome}/download/
  - name: configure GEOS
    action: command ./configure chdir=${userhome}/download/geos-3.3.5
  - name: make GEOS
    action: command make chdir=${userhome}/download/geos-3.3.5
- hosts: vms
  sudo: True    
  - name: install GEOS
    action: command make install chdir=${userhome}/download/geos-3.3.5
- hosts: vms

  - name: create download dir
    action: file dest=${userhome}/download owner=isisafe state=directory
  - name: download PostGis
    action: get_url url= 
                    dest=${userhome}/download/postgis-2.0.1.tar.gz mode=0440
  - name: untar PostGis
    action: command tar xzf postgis-2.0.1.tar.gz chdir=${userhome}/download/
  - name: make PostGis
    action: command make chdir=${userhome}/download/postgis-2.0.1
- hosts: vms
  sudo: True    
  - name: install PostGis
    action: command make install chdir=${userhome}/download/postgis-2.0.1
  - name: install PostGis
    action: command make comments-install chdir=${userhome}/download/postgis-2.0.1
  - name: post install ldconfig
    action: command ldconfig

then to launch it:
nil@home$ ansible-playbook create_postgis_db.yaml -u remoteuser -K -v

sudo password: 

The install took a very long time on the VM, I should get a better computer.

Creating a PostGIS enabled database

- hosts: vms
  sudo: True
  sudo_user: postgres
  gather_facts: False

    - name: "dbuser"
      prompt: "user login"
      private: False    
    - name: "dbname"
      prompt: "database name"
      private: False       
    - name: "dbpassword"
      prompt: "user pwd"
      private: True    
      - name: ensure database is created
        action: postgresql_db db=$dbname
          - convert database to postgis
          - convert database to postgis topology
      - name: ensure user has access to database
        action: postgresql_user db=$dbname user=$dbuser password=$dbpassword priv=ALL

      - name: ensure user does not have unnecessary privilege
        action: postgresql_user user=$dbuser role_attr_flags=NOSUPERUSER,NOCREATEDB

      - name: convert database to postgis
        action: command psql -d $dbname -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
      - name: convert database to postgis topology
        action: command psql -d $dbname -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;"


Let's add a new database on the remote server

nil@home$ ansible-playbook create_postgis_db.yaml -u remoteuser -K -v
sudo password: 
user login: nil
database name: new_map
user pwd:

check on the VM that the database was created

postgres@vm1204$ psql 

postgres=# \l
                                  List of databases
    Name    |  Owner   | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    |   Access privileges   
 new_map    | postgres | UTF8     | fr_FR.UTF-8 | fr_FR.UTF-8 | =Tc/postgres         +
            |          |          |             |             | postgres=CTc/postgres+
            |          |          |             |             | nil=CTc/postgres

postgres@vm1204$ psql new_map

new_map=# \dt
               List of relations
  Schema  |      Name       | Type  |  Owner   
 public   | spatial_ref_sys | table | postgres
 topology | layer           | table | postgres
 topology | topology        | table | postgres

Note : I don't clean up the source files after PG install

21 October 2012

Customize django_tinymce widget in django admin

The lazy path using an HTMLField can be customized easily:


    'plugins': "xhtmlxtras",
    'theme': "advanced",
    "theme_advanced_buttons1" : "bold,italic,underline,separator,bullist,numlist,separator,outdent,indent,separator,undo,redo",
    "theme_advanced_buttons2" : "link,unlink,separator,removeformat,separator,sub,sup,separator,abbr",
    "theme_advanced_buttons3" : "",
    'cleanup_on_startup': True,
    'custom_undo_redo_levels': 10,
all options :

12 April 2012

change the size of string column using sqlalchemy migrate

Why on earth have I done a table description like

  id serial NOT NULL,
  street text,
  city character varying(255),
  province character varying(10),

what a scrooge, 10 chars only, you can't live in saskatchewan with that. I had to migrate.

After a while I managed to get the syntax that makes it work

def upgrade(migrate_engine):
    meta.bind = migrate_engine
    address = Table('address', meta, autoload=True)

24 February 2012

Eclipse pydev template to generate sql alchemy migrations

How often have you committed code, just to realize your missing a column in your sqlAlchemy model?
If you're using eclipse IDE, you can leverage the templates to write a migration script in no time.
Go to windows -> preferences -> PyDev -> Editor -> Templates

then create a new template with :
  • name : Module: Migration SQLA
  • context: New Module
  • description: SQLA migration
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on ${date}

@author: ${user}

from sqlalchemy import *
from migrate import *

meta = MetaData()

def upgrade(migrate_engine):
    meta.bind = migrate_engine
    some = Table('some',  meta, autoload=True)
    if not 'somename' in some.columns:
        new_col = Column('somename', Unicode(255))

def downgrade(migrate_engine):
    meta.bind = migrate_engine
        some = Table('some',  meta, autoload=True)

And that's it ! you can now go into your migrations folder and do:
New -> PyDev Module, and choose your new template

31 January 2012

default value for text function using lxml

Say we need to parse this XML

<pack xmlns="">

if you want to parse it and retrieve the values in tuples

root = etree.fromstring(xml)
namespaces = {'i':""}
packitems_duration = root.xpath('//i:pack/i:packitem/i:duration/text()', 
packitems_max_count = root.xpath('//b:pack/i:packitem/i:max_count/text()',
packitems = zip(packitems_duration, packitems_max_count)

>>> packitems

The problem is the zip result miss a value. That's because lxml returns nothing instead of None or empty string. Let's change that.

def lxml_empty_str(context, nodes):
    for node in nodes:
        node.text = node.text or ""
    return nodes

ns = etree.FunctionNamespace('')
ns['lxml_empty_str'] = lxml_empty_str

namespaces = {'i':"",
              'f': ""}
packitems_duration = root.xpath('f:lxml_empty_str('//b:pack/i:packitem/i:duration)/text()',
    namespaces={'b':billing_ns, 'f' : ''})
packitems_max_count = root.xpath('f:lxml_empty_str('//b:pack/i:packitem/i:max_count)/text()',
    namespaces={'b':billing_ns, 'f' : ''})
packitems = zip(packitems_duration, packitems_max_count)

>>> packitems
[('520','14'), ('','23')]

more info on extending lxml